Latin Lawyer 250 recomenda Mundie e Advogados e ressalta legado de Kevin Mundie

Em sua edição de 2018, o renomado guia reconheceu a excelência do escritório nas áreas de Administrativo, Concorrencial & Antitruste, Contencioso, Esportes & Entretenimento, Societário/M&A, Telecomunicações & Mídia, Trabalhista e Tributário.


Trouxe, ainda, recomendações individuais aos sócios Ana Claudia Beppu, Andrea Weiss Balassiano, Antenori Trevisan, Carlos Forbes, Carol Monteiro de Carvalho, Cristiano Kozan, Eduardo ZobaranElinor Cotait, Guilherme RibasMarco Gasparetti, Nadia Lacerda, Rafael D′Avila  e Rodolpho Protasio.


Por fim, agradecemos a revista pelas gentis palavras sobre o legado de Kevin Mundie, falecido em junho de 2017:


“It was a bitter-sweet year for Mundie e Advogados in 2017. Strong growth across the firm’s core practice areas and timely expansion into new areas of law were tempered by sadness with the passing of Kevin Mundie mid-way through the year. The eponymous founder, who launched the firm as a telecoms boutique a little over two decades ago, also oversaw its successful diversification into new areas, such as regulatory and corporate work. Besides the flagship telecoms practice, the firm also offers boutique-style practices in energy, litigation and - following the recent addition of two partners from Bichara Advogados -  international trade work.


It was also during Mundie’s long tenure as managing partner that the firm began transitioning to a more professional model; bringing in new partners and creating committees to oversee finance, billing, marketing and professional career development. Although the loss of such a monumental figure will be sorely felt within the firm, it is precisely these measures that are helping it continue along the path to becoming a truly institutionalised firm. A COO and more professional back office are helping reduce the bureaucratic workload of its partners; allowing them to concentrate on strategic planning. To build stability into its junior ranks, the firm says it pays associates very well and encourages them to continue their professional development through training, further education and experience abroad.”

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